images: Alamy, ESA, Moderna Museet, NASA, Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wikimedia Commons
O-1. Green AO technology requirements collection and elicitation
The challenge is to foster interaction between Plasma physics, Science for cultural heritage and conservation, and Sustainability sciences to reveal AO technology potential for conservation. The objective is an interdisciplinary technology requirement elicitation with the participation of conservators from diverse fields.
O-2. Research and development of atmospheric AO device prototype – proof of concept
Development of portable RF source of AO, tailored for CH applications. A lab-scale prototype based on pulsed modulated RF plasma will be constructed. AO concentration, electron temperature, density, gas temperature, degree of O2 dissociation will be determined. AO generation will be optimised for conservation application.
O-3. Investigate AO generation and transport to the substrate
Characterisation and investigation of AO effluent. AO production and transfer to treated surfaces in conditions of atmospheric pressure will be investigated by laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy diagnostics.
O-4. Investigate AO interactions with CBC and shortlisted art materials
The aim will be to gain new knowledge and understanding of AO/surface interaction, advance and test contact-free AO cleaning technology, working on mockups and simulated soiling materials via the characterization of physical, chemical and optical properties, and to assess any physical disruption done during cleaning. The outcome will evaluate the range of AO applicability, the need for further research, and emerging applications in CH.
O-5. Test and characterize AO effluent
Experimentally test AO effects in removing carbon-based contaminants from sensitive surfaces (mockups, historical materials, test artworks, and actual artworks). Critically assess AO technology and processes for removal of problematic unwanted materials from sensitive CH substrates. The aim is to tailor and optimize the AO system in terms of the ground state atomic oxygen flux, effluent temperature, UV photons flux, and conduct relevant testing.
O-6. Investigate and develop an affordable AO sensor
Design and develop technology to quantify AO flux parameters during conservation treatments. The sensing instrument will produce electrical signal, which would allow to quantify the AO fluence and other relevant parameters, and will translate them into easily understood value, so conservators could adjust the AO system parameters for the individual needs of the treatment; developing simple electrochemical sensing system for AO intensity characterization based on quartz crystal micro- balance approach (QCM); testing and validating AO sensor by the CH professionals.
O-7. AO technology roadmapping
Conduct the AO technology roadmapping, investigate the environmental impact and the Life Cycle Assessment LCA. The objective is innovation road-mapping, identifying stakeholders and future applications, and to assess its impact for the green approaches and sustainability in cultural heritage and beyond. To maximize the impact, the innovation road mapping document will demonstrate the return of the investment and will foster green transformation in cultural heritage.
O-8. Demonstration, Dissemination, Public Outreach
The dissemination will be accomplished in four directions: publication, lecturing, demonstration events, and online presence via the dedicated MOXY website and social media.. The detailed plan will be formulated at the beginning of the project and activities will continue for the entire duration of the project to achieve an optimal end-user engagement.
The aim is to identify and connect with the stakeholder groups in academia, industrial innovation and industry. The dissemination activities will facilitate a close dialogue among the MOXY partners, organizing international conferences, coauthored papers, to increase international visibility, and foster heritage science events. These activities help build an identity and make the MOXY a significant contributor when interfacing with policy‐makers and key stakeholders at the international level.