images: Alamy, ESA, Moderna Museet, NASA, Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wikimedia Commons
Markevicius, T., Olsson, N., Nikiforov, A., Pastorelli, G., Suliga, A; Bonaduce, I; Yang, N., Van der Snick, G; Pizzimenti, S; Pires, C; Van den Berg, K.J. 2023. Nascent oxygen innovation in art conservation: cold atmospheric plasma-generated monoatomic oxygen for non-contact cleaning of works of art, The 20th ICOM-CC Triennial Conference, Valencia, September 18-23, 2023. Download here
Markevicius T., Bonaduce I., Nikiforov A., Olsson N., Suliga A., Pizzimenti S., Yan N. 2023. A New Look into NASA’s Pioneering Atomic Oxygen Treatment Removing Lipstick Defacement from Andy Warhol’s 'Bathtub' in Technart, Lisbon 2023. Download here
Schrijvers, D., Schmidt, T., Luu. K., Adibi, N., Van den Berg, K., J., Bonaduce, I., Florescu, M., Markeviciene, J., Norton, A., Olsson, N., Pastorelli, G., Pires, C., Pizzimenti, S., Poupouzas, M., Rasmussen, P., Šakirzanovas, D.,Van der Snickt, G., Sobota, A., ViliÅ«nas, M., Yang, Y., Markevicius, T., Nikiforov, A. 2023.
Eco-design of an innovative non-contact nascent oxygen technology, inspired by NASA research to clean fragile surfaces and preserve cultural heritage in sustainable way, LCM2023, The 11th International Conference on Life Cycle Management. Download here
Pizzimenti S., Markevicius T., Bonaduce I., Nikiforov A., Olsson N., Suliga A., Yan N. 2023. MOXY project: preliminary investigation of a non-contact cleaning of some typical art materials using atomic oxygen in Technart 2023, Lisbon. Download here
Olsson, N., Nikiforov, A., Markevicius, T. 2023. A New Horizon for Atomic Oxygen in Sustainable Heritage Conservation: Green Technology for Contactless Cleaning of Works of Art, Research and Technical Studies Specialty Group Postprints, Volume 11, 51st Annual Meetings of the American Institute for Conservation
Banks, B., Miller, S. 2017. Atomic Oxygen Cleaning of Unpainted Plaster Sculptures, in Expert Meeting on the Cleaning of Unpainted Plaster Sculptures May 8th-9th, 2017 at the NyCarlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen, Denmark. Download here
Banks, B. 2013. Low Earth Orbital Atomic Oxygen Interactions with Spacecraft Materials, BiblioGov ISBN-10: 1287265944. Download here
Banks, B., Rutledge, S., Karla, M., Norris, M., Real, W., Haytas, C. 1999. Use of an Atmospheric Atomic Oxygen Beam for Restoration of Defaced Paintings, in Proceedings of the 12th Triennial ICOM-CC Meeting, 1999, NASA/TM-1999-209411. Download here
Banks, B., Miller, S., Waters, D., L. 2004. Atomic Oxygen Treatment and Its Effect on a Variety of Artist’s Media. In MRS Online Proceedings Library 852 (2004): Art Objects, American Institute for Conservation of Historic Art Work, Washington, D.C., June 3-7, 2003: 313 – 324. Download here
Banks, B., Miller, S., 2018. Atomic Oxygen Environments, Effects and Mitigation, Applied Space Environments Conference Universal City, CA May 13-17, 2018. Download here
MarkevicÌŒius, T., Banks B., Olsson N. 2017. Monoatomic oxygen system for non-contact nanoscale cleaning of vandalised 20th c. modern and contemporary artworks, CeRoArt: 1-10. Download here
Markevicius T, Banks B. Miller S, Olsson. 2018. A nanoscale method for non-contact cleaning of sensitive modern oil surfaces using effluent of neutral oxygen atoms, Cleaning Modern Oil Paintings, CMOP project, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. Download here
Markevicius T., Miller S., Banks B., Olsson N. Monoatomic oxygen: a non-contact nanoscale method for nuanced cleaning of plaster and sensitive porous surfaces in Plaster as an Art Material, conference, Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage KIK-IRPA, Brussels, Belgium October 10-11, 2017.
Miller, S., Banks, B., Waters, D. 2004. Atomic Oxygen Treatment and Its Effect on a Variety of Artist’s Media. In MRS Online Proceedings Library 852 (2004): 75-80. Download here
Miller, S. 2014. Atomic Oxygen Effects, NASA Glenn Research Center Cleveland, Ohio Spacecraft Anomalies and Failures Workshop – Act II, Chantilly, VA July 24, 2014.